Dorothy Bracy Alston Ministries
A kingdom ministry eradicating fear and ignorance by communicating truth, faith and love.

Thursday, January 19, 2017
Worship Center Ministries' Evolved From an Adult Bible Study to Gems & Jewels
In July 2007, after taking a once in a lifetime trip to the "Fatherland" of Israel, God spoke to me while there and said, "When you get back home, I want you to start a youth outhreach ministry in your hometown of Charleston, MO. I questioned God concerning how could that happen since I lived 160 miles away. It took a series of miracles to make it happen (story forthcoming), but on November 3, 2007, WCM's founder, Pastor Dorothy Bracy Alston, launched its youth outreach ministry called Gems & Jewels. The program met every first and third Saturday at the Helen Currin Center in Charleston for two years (2007 - 2009), serving youth ages 3 to 16.
On the first day of the program’s launch, 20 children showed up. The program grew steadily from its inception. By the time Gems & Jewels celebrated its first year’s anniversary, WCM had registered and served 113 youth. For a small town like Charleston, (with the population just under 6,000) that was a successful beginning. And by the time the program came to a close, in late 2009, Gems & Jewels' program had served just over 180 kids.
Gems & Jewels provided a free fun filled environment where children came to enjoy refreshments, games, crafts, various learning activities, character development, cultural opportunities, including biblical teachings, wisdom for life, as well as academic learning in a fun, and safe, nurturing place. The curriculum was designed for participants to learn Christian principles for successful living, and have a good time.
The last official meeting with the Gems & Jewels was in late 2009. It's hard to beleive it's been right at eight years ago. Since that time, the young people's whereabouts came through word of mouth. Former Gems & Jewels' program volunteers updated us with the going-ons of what I now call “my children.”
Even though I lived in Memphis, TN then, as well as now; I spent five joyous years traveling up and down the road (160 miles one-way) to my hometown, serving those young people. I grew very fond of them, and still consider them “my children.” Eight years from the last time I saw those young people, so much has happened, both in their lives and mine. Most of them are grown now. Remember the youngest participant was three-years-old, and the oldest was sixteen, at the time Gems & Jewels was formed. Now the youngest is twelve and the oldest is in their twenties. Some are still in school (middle and high), some have had babies, one is married, and my proudest report was to learn that ten of them are now in college.
After years of keeping up with their successes, as well as failures and tragedies, I was pleased to learn that they kept asking my former volunteers of my whereabouts. "Where is Ms. Dorothy and when is she coming back to start the program again?" Of course, that was a proud feeling to know that I imparted something positive in their lives that made them want more. At the program's end, I knew regardless of whether I saw them again or not, “they were in my heart.” They were constantly in my thoughts and prayers.
And when tragedy hit, I was devastated to learn of the deaths of two of the grandmothers, whose grandchildren were the cornerstone and anchor of the Gems & Jewels ministry. I was heartbroken that I couldn’t attend the funerals...but I continued praying for “my kids.”
Fast forward eight years to Saturday, October 15, 2016; I was in Charleston for a prayer evangelism ministry event, that my ministry (Worship Center Ministries) hosted, and unbeknown to me, four of my Gems & Jewels were at that prayer event. When I finally discovered who they were; I was overjoyed. I hugged and kissed them until I was embarrassed. They too were just as happy to see me. That’s when I knew it was time to plan a full-fledged reunion of my Gems & Jewels. Up to then, I’d been planning to do a reunion, but at that moment, I knew it was the right time...It was a kyros moment.
On Saturday, December 10, 2016, Worship Center Ministries hosted its first Gems & Jewels reunion, with the help of Pastor Veronica Dunigan of Nail Ministries in Charleston. It was a pre-Christmas gathering. I left with an even greater burden to do more for my now adult and young adult Gems & Jewels. Because of that meeting, I received a thorough update as to the whereabouts of the ones who were no-shows; most of the reports were good and a few not so good. Holy Spirit was speaking to me..."Go ye into the hedges and highways and compel them to return to the Lord.
What's Next is still under development, but I know it's time to reconnect with "my kids." Now adults and young adults, it's time to reestablish those relationships and reintroduce them to the kingdom teachings, they so willingly received during those former days.
Anyone who may see this post, I implore you to pray for us. We need your prayer support. Too many of our African American youth are dying, dropping out of school, and are victims of gun violence. I'm glad to report that's not the case with my "Gems & Jewels." The overwhelming majority of them are still on a solid footing and on the road to potential success, but there are no guarantees that will continue.
We all needed guidance to make the best choices for our future, which determined if we would succeed or fail, my Gems & Jewels are no different. They need wisdom to make the right decisions, and I need wisdom to know how to help them.
Friday, November 16, 2012
An open letter of thanksgiving to God
I learned to appreciate and be thankful for my parents and the seemingly little that we had, growing up. Looking back, we had little compared to material possessions, but we had the greatest blessing of all… Love. My folks loved each other! They loved their family and they taught us to love one another. They’ve both gone on to be with the Lord, but the love they demonstrated and taught us still lives on in our lives. There have been times when I looked at life from a worldly prospective; judging myself and my circumstances based upon how the world would view me. Then there were times I’ve assessed my condition and analyzed it through the eyes of spirit or from a godly perspective. For me, the latter has always been the most encouraging.
As we approach this Thanksgiving season (Nov 22), I’d like to contrast the two scenarios to validate why I’m thankful and blessed. One of my favorite quotes is from the Forrest Gump movie; “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’ll get out of it.” Those words have spoken volumes to me. We can set goals, establish plans, put them into action, hope for the best, but in the end, we don’t always know the outcome.
From all outward appearances, this year (2012) has been a challenging year, to say the least. I’ve faced some daunting personal challenges. I lost five family members this year: three maternal cousins, one paternal cousin and a paternal aunt; two of which were teens, who died to gun violence; but I can’t help saying, “Thank God I’m blessed. Life could be worst.” My mortgage is paid. The utilities are on. I have food in the fridge. I’m connected to the worldwide web through my mobile phone and Internet. I have transportation that gets me from point A to point B. I’m doing what I love—writing and teaching. I can go to the store and buy a piece or two, every now and then. From time to time, I can take a trip, just to get away and be refreshed. I’m not under the doctor’s care, nor do I take any medication. My health is good; I need to lose a few pounds, but who doesn’t these days. Even though my life has not turned out the way I planned it; I’m still blessed and thankful. Those closest to me are well. But most importantly, I have a host of family and friends who love me (the prayers and the non-prayers). I'm tremendously blessed and loved.
For people in New York and New Jersey, several weeks ago, it was life as usual. How could they know they would become victims of "Hurricane Sandy" and be homeless this Thanksgiving and Christmas? How did the folks in Indianapolis know that their homes would be blown up, through no fault of their own, by a neighbor’s faulty gas line? How did three families in Wisconsin know they’d be celebrating the holidays without their loved ones, because an estranged husband went to his wife’s job and murdered her and shot others close by?
Life is so uncertain. Who knows what you’ll get out of it, but as long as you’ve got breath in your body, there is hope. Hope that what’s coming is better than what you’re facing today. Hope that failure is not an option.
If Thomas Edison could fail 10,000 times and keep trying, what about you and me? Hope that this is temporary…this too shall pass. Psalms 23 says, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.” Things will get better.
I’m hopeful. I’m thankful and I’m appreciative to God for his multiplied blessings in my life. In all things, I give thanks to him because this too shall pass. Things will get better; if we live our lives thanking God for the small things. One day, he’ll trust us with bigger things. Things will get better. This too shall pass!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Worship Center Ministries
Worship Center Ministries (WCM) is a faith-based organization that operates by kingdom principles. Its mission and mantra is to Educate. Eradicate. Emancipate. We do this by advocating and supporting the poor, needy, afflicted and fatherless; and by preparing individuals, families, organizations, and communities to be strengthened and liberated from the powers of darkness through prayer, training, and other necessary resources needed to overcome our chief enemy-Satan.
Our vision is to establish educational and spiritual training centers, both locally and nationally, to train and develop servant leaders as champions for the fatherless, needy, oppressed, afflicted and disadvantaged, thus, providing self-determination and assurance that those served will have a better quality of life.
Our Guiding Principles
WCM supports and teaches biblical and life principles based on the Holy Scriptures
WCM believes there is an evil spiritual entity dedicated to stealing, killing and destroying mankind
WCM operates, serves, and ministers to individuals based on the commandment of loving thy neighbor as thyself, which translates into faith which works through love
WCM instructs, teaches, and evangelizes the good news of Jesus Christ, to make believers, disciples, witnesses, and leaders for Christ
WCM develops and trains servant leaders as champions of righteousness, deliverance, and sanctification through the teachings of Christ
WCM delivers services to individuals regardless of race, creed, socio-economic status, religious or non-religious affiliation, but specifically targets African American youth between the ages of 5 to 25
WCM ministry cannot and will not exist or succeed without prayer--individual, corporate, intercessory, and spiritual warfare prayer
WCM endeavors to maintain a strict standard of holiness, morality and integrity
WCM is a charitable ministry who believes that the liberal soul shall be made fat. It operates from the kingdom principle, give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over shall men give into your bosom.
Ministry Overview
Worship Center Ministries (WCM) is headquartered in Charleston, Missouri; a rural town of approximately 5,000 residents. It’s the hometown of its founder, who God assigned there in September 2004 to launch Worship Center Ministries, an affiliate of Dorothy Bracy Alston Evangelistic Association. Worship Center Ministries is not a church, but an evangelistic organization established to start a movement--a movement of prayer, intercession, deliverance, which overcomes the wiles of the devil, and discipleship training. This work can only be done with the support of Christians committed to praying, working, witnessing, and lending your financial support to this ministry.
WCM works to positively impact and empower the lives of un-churched individuals, at risk youth, and young adults by promoting social, educational, economic, and spiritual training and instruction. WCM will achieve its goals through setting high standards and high expectations for ministry staff; establishing a culture of personalization; building strong community relationships; designing culturally rich, diverse curriculums, and building small learning communities for its recipients.
Gems & Jewels Youth Outreach
In the spring 2007, WCM surveyed approximately 100 Charleston residents; of all ages, races, and socio-economic backgrounds to find out what services the faith-based community could provide to make Charleston a better place for its residents. A recurring theme with all survey participants included providing more activities for the youth in the community. After reviewing the survey results, Worship Center Ministries made a commitment to provide bi-weekly youth activities, where youth ages 5 - 18 can come and have fun, in a safe, positive, nurturing, Christian environment.
On November 3, 2007 Worship Center Ministries launched a youth outreach ministry called Gems & Jewels in Charleston, MO. The program’s founder and CEO is Minister Dorothy Bracy Alston, who resides in Memphis, TN. Because of the distance and commute to Charleston, the program meets every first and third Saturday of each month at the Helen Currin Center. WCM is in need of its own building to provide needed services to these young people who are committed to this ministry and its teachings.
You can help to support this evangelistic outreach ministry through prayer and by providing a generous donation to this cooperative work of proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
WCM needs your support. Please pray for this ministry and ask God how you can help.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Bio - Dorothy Bracy Alston

Dorothy has a BS degree in Business Administration from Wilberforce University and a Masters degree in English from the University of Memphis. She has worked as an adjunct English professor at the University of Memphis and has studied and taught abroad at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic.
She is in full time ministry and available for speaking engagements, revivals, workshops and conferences. When not speaking and teaching she spends her time writing, and working on her first book entitled: Spiritual Weapons Guide: How to Fight the Good Fight of Faith, due for release in 2007.
How To Whup The Devil™ A Spiritual Weapons Guide

Contact: CISBA Communication Services