Friday, September 14, 2007

Visit to Israel: New Purpose - Faith - Courage

Traveling is a pastime of most Americans. We plan vacations to visit relatives, friends, attend family reunions, for specialty trips, and places of interest. Well, I’m no different. This year I took a personal interest trip to visit the Holy Land.

Unlike most Christians who’ve longed to visit the Holy Land, I’ve never had a desire to visit Israel. That all changed this year as I felt commissioned by God to visit and walk in the footsteps of Jesus. I learned of a pastor’s tour, organized by Benny Hinn Ministries, and decided if any one knew Israel, it was Benny Hinn who was born and raised there.

I realize Americans are used to having things a certain way but experienced travelers know things are different in other countries. The difference in architectural landscape, food, clothing, language, customs, traditions, and lifestyles is what makes visiting other countries unique from visiting grandma or grandpa on the east or west coast.

The beauty of any trip involves the places visited, the food and fellowship of our traveling companions, and people we meet on the way. Israel is a place where the sites and people leave an indelible impression etched into the psyche of a person. While visiting one historic site after another, I noticed each person’s experience in my group was uniquely individual. At each location, everyone had a different and personal encounter with their God. For example, the Western Wall was where I had one of my most memorable and spiritual experiences. I learned that I was standing on the ruins of Solomon’s temple, which once housed the ark of the covenant, a place where King Solomon dedicated the temple and prayed one of the most beautiful prayers in scripture—I Kings 8:1-66. Being there deeply affected me because of knowing scriptures relevant to that location. Here, Solomon dedicated the temple as a place for God to abide forever; prayed that God’s eyes would be open toward that house night and day and that God would hearken unto the prayer, which Solomon would make toward this place. Later, God appeared to Solomon (I Kings 9:1-3) saying that He heard his prayer; He had hallowed the temple; that His name would be there forever; and that His eyes and heart would be at that place “perpetually.” Knowing the promise God made to Solomon; as my hand touched the wall, with prayers in hand and heart—my eyes gushed with tears and His presence filled my total being. I knew instantly why the locals advise anyone coming to the Wall to bring your written prayer requests and leave them there. God told Solomon on that fateful day, that the prayers of His people Israel and the prayers of those from strange lands would be heard and answered when they pray at this place—the Wall (I Kings 8:38-43). It was an AWE-some moment to understand and know the Father’s eyes, heart, and presence was perpetually at that place: I couldn’t stop the tears.

I now feel every Christian needs to visit Israel. Your experience will never be my experience, because OUR Father will design a unique and individual adventure just for you—because He’s our Abba Father and He knows what each one of us needs. He commissioned me to Israel to teach me that Jerusalem was my home. Jerusalem had a far greater impact on me than the other Israeli regions I visited. On our ascent from Galilee into Jerusalem, I noticed I was beginning to feel one with the land and one with the people. By the time we ascended into Jerusalem I felt like I was at home. I felt at peace, safe, and relaxed in soul and spirit. Once in Jerusalem, God spoke to me, telling me that my feeling of oneness with the people and the land was because I was at home and that He had beckoned me to come home to teach me some things He couldn’t teach me in America. He revealed to me new purpose, new faith and new courage for the coming days. I left Israel knowing that I had to come back—again, and again, and again, because it’s my home—and one day it will be my eternal home. Thank you Father for welcoming me home.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Holy Spirit's Presence in Corporate Settings

Enjoying the Holy Spirit's Presence in Our Services
To have the privilege of enjoying the Holy Spirit's presence, we must first understand that Jesus left Him on earth to be the leader, guide, and comforter to the Church. The more we know about He the Holy Spirit; His role in assisting the Church, and His role in our personal lives, the greater we will see His manifestations in our personal lives as well as when we come together as a group--corporately.

The Holy Spirit wants to direct our personal lives and to be a part of directing our services when we come together corporately. He desires to bless us and wants to supply our needs because that's what Jesus left Him here on earth to do.

When we come together in a corporate setting, for corporate praise, worship, prayer, preaching, bible study, or whatever the purpose: The scriptures say whether it is two or three, or ten-thousand; the Holy Spirit is there. But before He will manifest Himself (demonstrate that He is in the midst), there must be a certain atmosphere created for Him to show up. Below, please see some of the things I have learned during my almost thirty years of serving God on how to create an atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to move in our presence. This example is for corporate praise and worship.

1. Before beginning any service, there should be one person who is recognized or designated by the group as the leader of praise and worship. This is important because every time God’s people come together, someone must take the lead. The Holy Spirit honors authority and leadership. Why? Because it was ordained by God the Father. The Holy Spirit understands His place within the Godhead and He works within the authority God has given Him. He will not usurp His or any one else’s authority. He seeks no praise or worship for Himself, only that believers will praise and worship God the Father and Jesus Christ, the Son.
2. Recognize that anytime God’s people (2 or 3) gather together in the name of Jesus, He is automatically there in the midst. Even though He is there, He will not automatically manifest Himself unless He is asked to do so.
3. Once we realize He is present, recognize and honor His presence.
4. Invite Him to come into the service (into the midst) and ask that His will be done in the service. This is necessary because the Holy Spirit is a gentleman. He is very sensitive and will not stay any where that He is not welcomed or wanted. He will not force His will on any person. He will show up but will not manifest Himself; only if He is asked or invited to do so. If He becomes grieved, He will leave. That's why there are spiritual gatherings where no matter how spiritual one may be, you may not be able to sense His presence. That is because the right atmosphere has not been set for Him to manifest Himself. If the Holy Spirit becomes grieved by the leadership or by what is going on in that setting, He will leave and you will not sense His presence. Again, He always shows up when two or more believers come together in the name of Jesus, but He will not always manifest Himself; for the reasons I have indicated.
5. Once the stage is set, by inviting Him into the service, everyone should begin to praise and worship Jesus Christ together. The Holy Spirit wants us to exalt the name of Jesus; that name that is above every name. Unless there is a praise and worship team or a worship leader designated to lead the service, the one who will lead the Body into corporate worship has not emerged as yet. He or she is worshipping as part of the group--the corporate body.
6. In the beginning of praise and worship; before sensing the presence of the Holy Spirit; you may sense dryness in your words. The words being spoken to the Lord may feel lifeless; like the Lord is not hearing you; you may feel like your words are not going up to heaven but are just bouncing off the ceiling. This is because your mind and carnal thoughts need to be cleansed and your mind and thoughts must be transformed into spiritual thoughts. Do not give up and do not despair at this point because this is the phase where you are moving from the flesh/carnal realm into the spirit realm. Sometimes, it may take a while for the group, or even the leader to break through this realm into the spirit realm, and get on one accord; but just keep praising and worshipping God, and exalting the name of Jesus. Keep talking to Him and telling Him how much you love Him; how wonderful He is and so on. This is where a strong praise and worship leader, a minister, or someone who has been fasting and praying is very important; because he or she will keep pressing through the fleshly/carnal realm and into the spirit realm with words of praise and thanksgiving unto God until there is a breakthrough where the presence of God begins to illuminate himself, and the worshippers. Every one who has tapped into the spiritual realm begins to sense that God is hearing our words of praise.
7. At this point, the praise and worship leader should have taken the lead and began to lead all others into songs, psalms, words of exhortation, prayer, prophecy, and so on. Now, everyone should be encouraged to talk to and to express your personal feelings to the Lord. As an example, you might be instructed to tell Him how wonderful He is; how marvelous He is, how much you love Him; how you depend on Him and without Him you can do nothing. If you don’t know what to say, follow the words of the worship leader, or, you can prepare a head of time, by reading the Psalms of one of the most famous worship leaders of all time--King David. Write down some of the words, statements, and songs David the king, the shepherd, the warrior, or the servant, used to worship and magnify the Lord. You may just want to read words of expression to God, directly out of the Bible. The purpose of this is to get your mind on spiritual things and in touch with God. In general worship, the Holy Spirit will respond when we sing, from our hearts, songs to God and Jesus—not songs about Them. It is very important that we sing to Him in praise and worship, and not about Him. This will bring His presence into a room quicker than anything. We see this when David sang and played his harp before King Saul. The anointed music brought the presence of God and drove the evil spirits from Saul's presence.
8. During this time of corporate praise and worship, the anointing of the Holy Spirit will begin to rest upon one person in the group (this may or may not be the praise and worship leader). Whoever the anointing falls upon, that person should take the lead in continuing to praise and worship by leading the group as far into the Spirit of oneness, as possible. The objective is to get everyone on one accord. The leader may change from one person to another, during the course of general praise and worship, or it may be one person throughout the entire time who takes the lead and brings the group into the spirit of oneness. All of this is done in unity, decently and in order and without confusion.
9. When the group has moved from the carnal or fleshly realm into the spirit realm, everyone will be on one accord and should be sensing or feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit. Again, this occurs through personal praise and worship, by telling the Lord how much you love Him: in general, just praising Him with personal words of love, gratitude and admiration, or by singing songs to Him and not songs about Him. One by one, as the group senses the presence of the Holy Spirit, that’s when pure praise and worship begins to take place, and the Holy Spirit’s presence gets stronger and stronger.
10. Once the group is on one accord, pure praise and worship is now going up to the throne of God, to God the Father. In John 4:23-24 Jesus said, "The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." Hopefully, every one in the group is now sensing the presence of the Holy Spirit on some level. Pure praise and worship is now going forward. The presence of God/the Holy Spirit should be strong at this point. This level of praise and worship will continue until the Holy Spirit begins moving upon the worship leader, or the minster to shift from corporate praise and worship to another direction in the spirit. At this time one person in the group--the pastor, apostle, elder, prophet, evangelist, teacher, musician, or so on, should be anointed to take the lead and begin to flow in the Spirit through continued praise, worship, songs, prayer, or some other manifestations of the Spirit.
11. When the group is on one accord that’s when the Holy Spirit’s presence is the strongest. So, the greater the unity in the group, the stronger the presence of the God the Holy Spirit. The more divided the group; the weaker the presence of the Holy Spirit.
12. When the presence of the Holy Spirit is strong in a group, and almost everyone is sensing the presence of God; He begins to search the people’s hearts for faith. When the Holy Spirit finds faith, He will begin to move upon the person with faith for him or her to ask God for whatever is on their heart. That person or persons will begin to sense the personal ministry of the Holy Spirit. The stronger the group’s faith, the greater the manifestation of the Holy Spirit corporately and individually. As the Holy Spirit begins to minister personally to those in the service there may be manifestations of joy, shouting, dancing, weeping, kneeling in worship or so on. If there is corporate faith for a certain need, the Holy Spirit will begin to inspire someone who is anointed to minister in that area. The Holy Spirit may begin to move upon one person or persons in the group, based on their individual anointings (abilities). That's when one or more of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit may begin to operate: The gifts of divers tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy; the gifts of the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, the discerning of spirits; the gifts of faith, working of miracles and healings may begin to manifest.
13. The Holy Spirit manifests Himself through the nine gifts of the Spirit based on the knowledge and maturity level of the believers present. If pure faith, and dependency solely upon God is demonstrated, He will work miracles regardless of the maturity and knowledge of the believers. He is hindered from the greatest manifestations if there is unbelief and doubt in the group. The greater the doubt and unbelief, the less He will manifest Himself. The more faith and knowledge of the Word of God is present, the greater the manifestion of His Spirit and Presence, and the greater the signs, wonders, miracles, and answers to prayer.

Discipleship and Spiritual Warfare Training

Discipleship and Spiritual Warfare Training

Are you tired of the devil?
Do you want to see your unsaved loved ones saved?

Come out and learn
How to increase your faith
How to pray specifically and get results
How to defeat the devil when he attacks you or your family
How to know your gifts and your purpose

Jesus said, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believes and is baptized shall be saved...And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:15-18)
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come (Matthew 24:14)

Worship Center Ministries meets every other Saturday for Prayer and Bible Study at the Helen Currin Center (3:00pm—5:00pm), Charleston, MO

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Accepting Christ is so simple

There are 7 seven simple steps to receiving Christ (Romans 10:9-10)

  1. Confess your sins
  2. Repent of your sins
  3. Renounce sin and the lifestyle of sin
  4. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and receive Him as your Savior
  5. Confess that Jesus died for you, rose from the dead on the third day and has become your personal Savior
  6. Thank Jesus for what He has done for you
  7. Go tell someone (family and friends) that you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior

Pray this Prayer
Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name Jesus confessing that I am a sinner. I realize I was born a sinner. I acknowledge that I need the blood of Jesus to cleanse me from my sins. I now confess my sins and ask you to forgive me for every sin I have ever committed. Father, I believe You sent your Son Jesus Christ into this world, born of a virgin; that He walked this earth as a sinless man, they nailed Him to a Cross. He paid the penalty for me and died for my sins. I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and is now seated at Your right hand. I come to You and make you Lord of my life. I repent and turn away from all sin. I publicly confess You now as my Lord and Savior. I choose to turn my life over to You so that I may learn to live for You and to walk in righteousness before You all the days of my life. Come Holy Spirit and fill me now. I believe I am saved according to the Word of God in Romans 10:9-10. Thank you Father for Your mercy and love you have shown toward me. Praise God; Praise God; Praise God I am saved.

Men ought to always pray and not faint

Prayer begins with the Body of Christ
Every believer is invited to join the Jehovah Jireh Prayer Ministry as we pray for the needs of the city of Charleston MO. God is calling this nation, which means everyone, back to prayer according to 2Chronicles 7:14.

Join us for Corporate Prayer
All believers have a time of personal prayer, and you may even attend a church prayer meeting, but how about attending a community prayer meeting.
There is power in corporate prayer. Our beloved city needs healing and it is going to take every person who will humble themselves and pray for God’s help to make that happen.

Ask and it shall be given unto you
God wants us to pray and ask Him whatever we need Him to do for us. He tells us to pray privately and also to pray as a group. The Word of God says to pray without ceasing (1Thes. 5:17); If one can chase a thousand, two can put ten thousand to flight (Deut. 32:30); If any two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my father which is in heaven (Matt 16:19), and Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him (James 5:14-15).

Ministry Bio & Statement of Faith

Ministry Bio & Statement of Faith
Dorothy Bracy Alston Evangelistic Association

Minister Dorothy Bracy Alston has been serving the Lord Jesus Christ since 1978. She was licensed to preach the gospel in 1981 and ordained as pastor in 2005. Her spiritual roots began in the Church of the Living God in Columbus, Ohio under Bishop Joseph White where she received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and learned to operate in the gifts of the Spirit. Dorothy’s love for the Word of God has anchored her in faith and in the anointing of the Holy Ghost. She is used by God in the teaching, prophetic, and deliverance ministry and believes the five fold ministry of apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists and teachers should be operating in all of today’s churches. She ministers under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit where souls are saved, healed, delivered and set free from the bondages of sin, sickness, disease, addiction and generational curses.

Dorothy has a BS degree in Business Administration from Wilberforce University and a Masters degree in English from the University of Memphis. She has worked as an adjunct English professor at the University of Memphis and has studied and taught abroad at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic.

She is in full time ministry and available for speaking engagements, revivals, workshops and conferences. When not speaking and teaching she spends her time writing, and working on her first book entitled: Spiritual Weapons Guide: How to Fight the Good Fight of Faith, due for release in 2007.

Dorothy Bracy Alston Evangelistic Association
Phone - 901.353.4366
Statement of Faith: What WE BELIEVE

  • The bible is the inspired, infallible, indisputable, authoritative Word of God

  • The Trinity consists of a triune God; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost

  • God sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ to earth, who was born of a woman, to be the propitiation or substitute for man’s sins through His death, burial and resurrection
    Salvation and forgiveness of sin is through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ who is the Son of God.

  • He died on the cross for our sins, was buried and resurrected; we must personally invite Him into our life and make a public confession of our faith according to Romans 10:9-10

  • Jesus ascended back into heaven to sit on the right hand of God the Father after being raised from the grave, and showing Himself as the resurrected Christ for 40 days, with all infallible proofs

  • Jesus left the Holy Spirit here on earth to operate as the leader, the authority, and power source to the Church; to convict men of sin, lead them to repentance, and as comforter to those who call upon the name of the Lord

  • The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, is given to believers who ask for it to empower the church to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature; but man is saved without receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

  • The sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit indwells Christians and enables them to live a holy life

  • There is life after death and there will be the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who accept Jesus to everlasting life and others to everlasting damnation to live eternally in heaven or in hell

  • The angel Lucifer, known as Satan and the Devil was created by God as a ministering angel; he rebelled against God, was kicked out of heaven with a third of the angels who now spend their time continually waging warfare against the people of God

  • There will be a rapture of the Church. One day those who have believed and hoped in Christ will be changed from mortal to immortal in a moment of a twinkling of an eye. At that time the dead in Christ will rise first, and we which are alive and remain will be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air to forever be with the Lord

  • The Church has been commissioned to preach the gospel of the kingdom with signs and wonders following

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Praise Reports & Answers to Prayer

Unto us a Child is Born
A disciple of Worship Center Ministries (WCM) requested prayer to become pregnant. She had been married for two years. She and her husband wanted and were trying to become pregnant. On the day prayer was offered, it was three weeks before Christmas and she and her husband were leaving town for a Christmas shopping trip to Branson, Missouri. They planned to stay overnight in a local hotel to be fresh for a full day of Christmas shopping the following day. Prayer was offered that the next time she and her husband came together that the sperm and the seed would come together and produce a healthy baby girl. Nine months later, after this trip to Branson, in September of the following year, the family welcomed a beautiful, healthy, baby girl named Karleigh Rae. PRAISE GOD! He answers prayer.

Blessing of new home
A sister in Christ stated she had been paying rent every since she left home, and she longed to have her own home. She began attending the WCM prayer and bible study and was being blessed from the teaching and prayer. She requested prayer for God to bless she and her husband with a home. She was instructed on the blessings of being a tither. She made a commitment that she would start being faithful to paying her tithes. Not long after making this commitment and becoming a faithful tither, she was blessed with a free home on an acre of land. She states it all started when she began paying her tithes and being consistent. She believes that her financial harvest has begun. PRAISE GOD! He answers prayer.

Financial blessing to return to school
A sister in Christ saw how God was blessing one of her siblings who had been attending WCM prayer and bible study. One day she asked her sister if she would agree with her in prayer that God would make a way for her to return to school and get her nursing degree. After praying together, the next day at work the sister who asked for prayer approached her boss, who owned the medical clinic she worked for, about returning to school and was told that same day that the clinic would pay for all of her schooling if she returned to school. PRAISE GOD! He answers prayer.

Miracle Healing
A disciple of Worship Center Ministries asked for prayer for her brother’s girlfriend, whom we will call Ms. A. At the time of the prayer request Ms. A. had been in intensive care for five to six weeks. Her condition was considered critical because her blood pressure was out of control, and it had taken her into a coma. She also had heart problems, was on a breathing machine because she could not breathe on her own, and with a device inserted into her throat. During her hospital stay, Ms. A. had also contracted a staph infection and everyone entering the room had to put on surgical gowns and masks. A request for prayer was made on a particular Saturday for God to heal her and give Ms. A. a miracle. On the following Monday the praise report came in stating that Ms. A. received a miracle the day prayer was offered on her behalf. The WCM disciple called the hospital’s intensive care unit the day after prayer was offered, on that Sunday, to check on Ms. A.'s condition. The intensive care nurse said Ms. A. had been moved into a regular room on Saturday because her condition started improving and she kept getting better and better. To the disciple’s dismay, she asked when did Ms. A. begin improving? The intensive care nurse said it began on Saturday evening about 7:00 p.m., which was the same time prayer was going up on Ms. A.’s behalf. The disciple asked to be transferred to Ms. A.’s room. Ms. A. answered the phone; said she was feeling fine and she was sitting up in her bed reading the newspaper. God still work miracles and PRAISE GOD! He answers prayer.

Jesus has the power of life and death (Part 1)
Early one morning about 6:00am, the pastor of Worship Center Ministries received an alarming and urgent call from a hysterical relative saying I need you to go into pray immediately because my son, who’s away at college, has been shot and the doctor says he’s not going to make it. With no time to waste, the pastor went immediately into spiritual warfare to fight for this young man’s life, and the Lord began working immediately on behalf of this family. Every door began to open immediately as God was preparing the way for a miracle report for this son and family.The family had to leave town and travel 600 miles to another state. The mother who's afraid of flying said she had to get a flight out immediately, the other family members said they would drive. Through a course of miraculous events, the mother was able to get a flight out and everyone ended up arriving to the hospital later that afternoon, at the same time. Upon arriving to the hospital, the news was grim but hopeful. The doctor’s stated that the bullet went into his chest and came out of his shoulder. It barely missed his heart by a few inches. The mother called two days later and reported her son was out of danger. He was being monitored for a couple days to be sure he could be released. Less than one week after this hairying ordeal, this youth was back at home with his family. Within two weeks, he was back to his regular actitivies, as if nothing happened. PRAISE GOD! The power of life and death is in the hands of Jesus, and He gave us that power also, if we will believe Him. He answers prayer and still works miracles.

Jesus has the power of life and death (Part 2)
Six months after the first frantic call, the WCM pastor gets another frantic and desperate call from this same relative, and you will not believe it, but the same thing has happened a second time. Her son, who has since left one college and transferred to a college in a different state, has been shot a second time. Different circumstances, different situation, and different people involved. Again, this is critical and even more serious than the first situation. Once again the team of doctor offer no hope and says he is not going to make it. A miracle is needed for his survival. WCM pastor goes immediately into spiritual warfare prayer again but this time she senses that there is a more serious battle between life and death. The pastor is not so sure he is going to be able to pull out of this. Nevertheless, she perseveres in spiritual warfare. After several hours in spiritual warfare, the pastor sensing the strong presence of death and the battle intensifies in the spirit. The pastor asks God for a Word, a specific Word to fight off Death. Shortly thereafter, the pastor senses a Word coming from God. The Word is from Hebrews 2:14 which says; Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him [Satan] that [once] had the power of death, that is, the devil. This was the ammunition that the pastor needed to defeat the power of death. The pastor began to take authority over death and remind Satan that he no longer had power over death, and that he lost that power when Jesus became a man and died on the cross. The battle had been going on for over three hours in the spiritual realm, but after this revelatory word, the pastor began to sense in the spirit that victory had come. The Holy Spirit gave the pastor a peace that the young man was fine and that he would recover completely. Later the same day, while in prayer and bible study, the Holy Spirit gave the pastor another confirmation that the young man would be fine. She now had to wait to hear a praise report from the mother. And it came a couple days later. The mother reported that the doctors are baffled. They do not know how he made it. They even said it was a miracle. PRAISE GOD! He answers prayer and still works miracles.

Financial help for college bound student
Prayer was offered on behalf of one of the WCM disciples children who had completed a two year college program on a full scholarship, with an associate's degree, but now needed financial aid to complete the remaining two years at another institution beginning the next semester. Shortly after prayer was offered on her behalf, the disciple’s child received notification of a full volleyball scholarship to complete her bachelor’s degree at a four year institution. PRAISE GOD! He answers prayer.

God supplies every need according to His riches
The niece of one of WCM disciples called requesting prayer for GOD to bless her with relocating back to her hometown of Centralia, IL. She moved to another city, approximately sixty miles away for a change and hope of a better quality of life. After living in this city for six months, she felt she had made a mistake and needed to move back home to Centralia. She was specific in her prayer request and needed God’s help in obtaining a house, a job for she and her daughter, and to catch up on her back car payments. She and her family were living in an apartment and upon moving back she decided that she wanted to live in a brick home, with a two-car garage, in a nice neighborhood, which was on her list of everything she wanted in the home. She also needed a job, along with a way to catch up on her back car payments. Her specific prayer request was that she wanted to be re-hired with the school district as an Attendance Advocate, which was a job that she had been hired for prior to moving to the new city. During prayer, she received a Word of Wisdom from WCM's pastor that she would have a miracle in two days. Several days passed without getting word of her condition. This young lady called over a week later with a praise report stating that God had answered her prayer request. She reported that two days after prayer was offfered, she had found the house with her specifications. She was moving into a brick home, with a two car garage in a nice neighborhood in Centralia, and she gave me her new address. PRAISE GOD! He answers prayer.

She also called about the job as Attendance Advocate in the school district, and was told by the school principal that the position was still open and she would be notified about the rehiring process as soon as possible. Her desire was to be hired before the school year began. The praise report on this is still pending. PRAISE GOD! He answers prayer.

God’s intervention on behalf of two of His servants with a puzzling illness
A friend of WCM called asking prayer for her church friends, a husband and wife team who just returned to the states from a missions trip to Cambodia. After returning to the states, both the husband and wife began to develop some puzzling neurological problems. The husband collapsed at the airport and was taken directly to the hospital. His wife was experiencing some similar feelings of weakness, headaches and so. Both were facing extreme financial difficulties due to loss of employment and insurance cost for hospitalization and the battery of neurological tests needed by both husband and wife. A few days after prayer was offered on their behalf, WCM pastor received a praise report via email indicating that God had intervened for this couple. The medical conditions had been resolved, the husband was out of the hospital, back to work and feeling great, the wife had returned to work, and her body was coming back to normalcy. PRAISE GOD! He answers prayer.

The blessings of the Lord makes us rich and adds no sorrow
A WCM disciple, who has learned that God answers prayer, called wanting prayer for God to bless her with a new job that offered many benefits and career opportunities. The new job offered an opportunity to become a licensed clinical social worker, and to have all of her outstanding college bills (both undergraduate and graduate) be paid in full. What an opportunity for God to cancel over $60,000 in college loans! After discussing the opportunity and assessing the pros and cons of the new job, prayer was offered that God would intervene and open up this door of opportunity for her. Several days later, she sent an email with a praise report stating that God blessed her with the job, she will receive the benefits of her college loans being paid off, and she received the salary she requested. PRAISE GOD! He answers prayer.

God has given His people power over life and death
There was a great move of God during a WCM prayer and bible study meeting when a friend and minister associate of WCM pastor was a guest. The power of God was moving in this meeting. Others present were being slain in the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit were in operation: the gift of prophecy, divers tongues; interpretation of tongues; discerning of spirits, gifts of healing and faith were all present to bless those present and to cast out demons. This friend was under heavy attack by demonic forces in her body, in her personal life, and spiritually, but God moved on her behalf. The pastor of WCM took authority over the demonic forces and cast out the spirit of infirmity that was attacking her body. This minister instantly got better, as others present also received special blessings from God. It was a service full of the presence, power, and anointing of the Holy Spirit. We ended the service full of joy and continued expectation from God. Everything was fine, but in the car, on the way home, the guest minister became short of breath, began sweating, and began passing out into an unconscious state. She flipped the seat back in the car and laid back on the car seat as her body became limp and lifeless. She then looked up and spoke with a very weak voice and said, “I’m passing.” Much to the dismay of the pastor, who said, “you’re what?” And the guest minister repeated it again; “I’m passing.” The pastor thought she mush have meant she was passing gas, but she was actually saying that she was dying. When the pastor understood what was really going on, the pastor said, “oh no you’re not.” “You’re not going to die on me—not on my watch.” The pastor immediately began to go into spiritual warfare prayer in the car and pray in what she describes as unknown tongues of spiritual battle; taking authority over and rebuking the spirit of death, and commanding this minister to live. All of this happening, as the pastor is driving and trying to find a place to pull off the road. After five or ten minutes of this, we approached a rest area. We got out, put on our coats and hats, and began to walk toward the restrooms. The guest minister's body was still limp and almost lifeless. The entire time, WCM pastor was rebuking the spirit of death and commanding her body to live and not die. By the time we walked, with the pastor almost dragging the minister, from the car to the restroom; life, strength, and the peace of God had been restored to the guest and the WCM pastor. The minister washed her face and reported she was feeling fine. She recounted her near death experience and said that the prayer had saved her life. She is including this praise report in her upcoming book. PRAISE GOD! He answers prayer.

You are invited to join us for prayer and bible study at Jehovah Jireh Prayer Ministry. God ordained this ministry as an outreach to restore prayer in the local churches and in the community of Charleston, MO.

Dorothy Bracy Alston is an itinerant preacher and evangelist who is available for speaking, seminars, conferences, and revivals. Feel free to contact her at

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